The Sisters need a new home


Our new home search

Our current facilities limit both our potential to help others and our growth potential as a community. We need a new home with a larger tract of land, housing, facilities with a greater capacity for Sisters and for people who come to us and a heated indoor arena for year-round therapy work with the horses. We seek a place to be our motherhouse where we could train many Sisters and send them throughout the world to continue our mission of healing and reconciliation. We have found an ideal place to set up our motherhouse and we need funds to make this a reality. Time is of the essence if we are to obtain this property since it already has interested buyers.

We put together a 10-minute YouTube video on our mission and our current need for a new home. If you would like to watch it, please click here.
Our mission and needs video

If you would like to learn more about our current need, we invite you to read our letter here.
Letter from the Sisters

For another short YouTube on our mission and work, you can check out "Nuns Run a Farm" from EWTN News In-Depth.
Nuns run a farm video